How to Adjust Water Flow for Your Kitchen Mixer When It's Running Low

Experiencing low water flow from your kitchen mixer can be frustrating, especially when you're in the middle of preparing meals or cleaning up. Fortunately, this common issue often has a simple solution. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps to check for blockages in the check valve and tail ends, which are often the culprits behind low water pressure. Follow these steps to restore optimal water flow to your kitchen mixer.

Identifying the Problem

Before diving into the solutions, it's important to understand where blockages typically occur. Blockages in the check valve or tail ends can significantly reduce water flow. The check valve, often highlighted in green in diagrams, is designed to prevent backflow and ensure smooth water delivery. However, debris and mineral deposits can clog these components over time.

Step-by-Step Guide to Checking for Blockages

  1. Turn Off the Water Supply: Before inspecting your kitchen mixer, ensure that the water supply is turned off to prevent any accidental leaks or water damage.

  2. Access the Check Valve and Tail Ends: Locate the check valve and tail ends of your kitchen mixer. Refer to the image below for precise locations if you’re unsure.

  3. Inspect for Blockages: Carefully examine the check valve and tail ends for any visible blockages. Use a flashlight to look for debris, mineral build-up, or any obstructions that might be restricting water flow.

  4. Clean the Components: If you find any blockages, clean them thoroughly. You can use a small brush or a toothpick to remove debris from the check valve. For mineral deposits, soaking the parts in a vinegar solution can help dissolve the build-up.



  1. Reassemble and Test: After cleaning, reassemble the components and turn the water supply back on. Test the kitchen mixer to see if the water flow has improved.

image from Nero Tapware

Additional Tips

  • Regular Maintenance: Regularly inspect and clean your kitchen mixer to prevent future blockages. This includes checking the aerator, which can also become clogged over time.
  • Quality Fixtures: Investing in high-quality kitchen mixers can reduce the likelihood of blockages and ensure consistent water flow. Explore our range of kitchen mixers at Hera Bathware for durable and reliable options.

Why Blockages Occur

Understanding why blockages occur can help you prevent them in the future. Hard water, which contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, is a common cause of build-up in plumbing fixtures. These minerals can accumulate over time, leading to blockages. Additionally, debris from the water supply can also cause obstructions in the check valve and tail ends.

Preventative Measures

  • Use Water Softeners: If you live in an area with hard water, consider using a water softener to reduce mineral build-up in your fixtures.
  • Regular Cleaning: Periodically clean your kitchen mixer and other plumbing fixtures to prevent debris and mineral deposits from accumulating.


Low water flow from your kitchen mixer can often be traced back to blockages in the check valve or tail ends. By following the steps outlined above, you can quickly identify and resolve these issues, restoring optimal water pressure to your kitchen. For more high-quality kitchen mixers and plumbing solutions, visit Hera Bathware. Regular maintenance and using quality fixtures are key to ensuring a smooth and efficient kitchen experience.


June 18, 2024 — Charles Li