Melbourne Bathware Building Group & Trade Account with Hera Bathware

Melbourne Bathware Building Group

Contact Hera Bathware Staff to get your own Builder Package / Individual Item Unique Pricing.


Number: 03 7009 7677


Showroom Eastern Surburb: Moorabbin Showroom

Address: 31/82 Levanswell Road, Moorabbin VIC 3189

Contact: 0423 309 167


Showroom Northern Surburb: Campbellfield Showroom / Warehouse

Address: 1/3 Merri Concourse Campbellfield VIC 3061

Contact: 0466 681 666 


Showroom Western Surburb: Brooklyn Showroom / Warehouse

Address: 14/463a somerville road Brooklyn, VIC 3012

Contact: 0431 018 829


Melbourne Bathroom Products - Brooklyn Bathware Showroom; Moorabbin  Bathware Showroom; Campbellfield Bathware Showroom;