Ever walked into a public restroom  and thought, “Wow, they’ve really put effort into their restroom?” I bet a lot of us do. In fact, according to the SCA Hygiene Report, which surveyed 4,800 people across nine countries including Australia, it says that 47% of people expressed their concerns about inadequate hand hygiene after using a public restroom - particularly on enterprises and commercial premises. This highlights the role of bathroom tapware when it comes to implementing effective hygiene practices. 

Moreover, the study mentioned above implies that the design and functionality of bathroom tapware in commercial restrooms can significantly influence customers’ feedback and perception of a business. 

At Hera Bathware, we understand your needs. So if you’re planning a business or already have one here in Australia, this simple yet comprehensive guide is perfect for you. 

The Importance of choosing the perfect bathroom tapware for your business premises 

Choosing the right tapware can actually elevate the overall statement design of your business premises, whether it has a gentle curve of a faucet or a more brutalist, function-first design. However, when it comes to commercial restrooms, it's not just about looks. Commercial restrooms have to accommodate a lot of traffic, and tapware often needs to handle it all - from coffee shops to hotels and agencies, it has to be durable as well. 

Hera Bathware’s Solutions for Diverse Environments

Cafes and Restaurants: In any eatery, it's not just about the food that leaves an impression on its customers. We at Hera Bathware know this game very well. For these high-traffic areas, considering the durability and the ease of cleaning are very crucial. Our Swivel tap is highly recommended in this kind of premises, owing to their easy-to-clean nature and straightforward shape. Another reason is its sleek design, which is very useful in hospitality and establishments, like coffee shops, where space might be limited. Stainless steel tapware is also an option due to its corrosion resistance, not to mention its universal look that can blend into any interior. 

Hotels and Resorts: When it comes to hotels and resorts, it is important to showcase luxury and comfort for guests. Tall basin mixers usually add a touch of elegance and are suitable for larger basins, which are usually seen in this kind of area. Matte black or brushed gold finishes can add a modern and sophisticated vibe to a hotel or resort’s bathroom. 

Spas and Gyms: Spas and gyms mostly focus on cleanliness and creating a calming environment. That is why bathroom tapware with an easy-to-use mechanism such as an extended lever handle is recommended, as it can enhance user experience particularly when hands are slippery. When it comes to colour, bathroom tapware with a brushed nickel design or matt can hide water spots and fingerprints, making the area look clean and well maintained.

While having beautiful and appropriate bathroom tapware is essential for commercial environments, the function of ease of use and durability is also key.

Moreover, besides previously mentioned points, we also need water-efficient taps for the purpose of preservation of the environment. In terms of commercial application, I would also recommend selecting the valve that could match the overall ambience and user experience.

We acknowledge how hard it is to select bathroom fittings for your commercial buildings because it is often a matter of both functionality and style.

Contact us today so we can assist you with your needs in your commercial space.
June 17, 2024 — Kane Waters